
Check out Abigail's interview with Marilyn Hickey, a true General in the Kingdom!

Part 2...

About Abigail...

Abigail is an ordained minister and travels and speaks abroad, preaching and teaching the Word of God. As she puts it, “It’s my most favorite thing in the world to “get to do.”

Abigail shares candidly from her own life experiences and seeks to speak straight from God’s heart while staying committed to spreading the beautiful message of “hope in all circumstances.” Many around the globe are experiencing healing of hearts, souls, minds, and bodies.

Her other “favorite thing,” is being a therapist. Abigail helps others walk through their own journey of discovering hope, liberty and inner healing for their hearts, souls, and minds. Having experienced a miraculous healing after a terminal cancer diagnosis, Abigail helps many who have been issued a terminal diagnosis of their own, to be able to navigate to a place of empowerment and freedom, and make decisions to confidently take the reins of health and hope for themselves.

Luke 4:18 says,

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.

Abigail longs to megaphone THIS good news and proclamation of liberty that is healing the broken-hearted, binding up their wounds and setting captive hearts free, all over the earth!


Girl of Hope, Inc., is a non-profit (501c3) ministry that exists to support Abigail’s calling to help people everywhere experience healing, freedom, and wholeness in all stages of life, but especially in times of crisis.

Firstly, through the wisdom and ability of the Holy Spirit and secondly, utilizing her Masters in Mental Health Counseling & Marriage and Family therapy, and her current learnings in her Doctoral program in Marriage, Family & Traumatology, Abigail offers mental health counseling, which she refers to as Hope Sessions. Abigail is continuing to sharpen her skills by obtaining various certifications and trainings, adding them to her “tool chest” to help others with the very best, therapeutic care, guided by the ever brilliant, Holy Spirit.

Girl of Hope partners with Heaven in the truth that there is NEVER a shortage of Hope for one precious soul, therefore we endeavor to ALWAYS have our doors open to help others through prayer and ministry, individual counseling, marriage counseling, family counseling, trauma counseling, adolescent therapy, breaking unhealthy addictive patterns, nutritional and wellness counseling and SO much more – regardless of ability to pay!


Abigail and the ministry of Girl of Hope is already helping many, yet we know she cannot fulfill this vision alone. Additional funding will be used to “broaden” the doors and create a place and space for this message and ministry to be megaphoned everywhere.

Many who need this kind of intensive counseling cannot afford it and Girl of Hope, Inc. believes everyone should be able to get the help they need, no matter their financial situation. Funding is needed to sponsor many to be able to experience this type of counseling, which brings freedom, healing and wholeness-that which Jesus came for according to Luke 4:18, and now empowers us to do.

Abigail knows she is called to reach many through social media and longs to expand to reach our GROWING online and telehealth counseling community all over the world! She has been faithful with a live Facebook “Girls of Hope” Bible study that meets weekly and is growing every day.

Your generous donation will also be used to help develop and operate the “home base” for Girl of Hope, Inc., as we seek to create a space and place for “in house” Hope Sessions which will provide a peaceful, therapeutic environment where people feel safe and peaceful to “open” their hearts and souls to receive ministry and healing right where they are.

We also long to develop an excellent internet platform where Abigail and Girl of Hope can stream teachings and workshops all over the world. From here, Abigail believes such growth will take place that it will then be time to create her long-term dream of “Hope Farm,” which will be developed as the ministry, counseling, and therapy center. It will be expanded to create an environment of hope and healing…a place to host weekend intensives of various kinds: inner-healing, counseling, premarital and marital intensive weekends for couples to receive hope and help in their relationships. It will also be the home base for all streaming and online ministry.

Will you join with us in building and fulfilling this global vision?

Your contribution is tax deductible and will go directly toward fulfilling the mission of Girl of Hope, Inc.

Help spread the message of HOPE around the world!

"We may have to be enticed into the wilderness but if we find the gold there, our posture will change and we'll come out... leaning on our Beloved."

Quote from Abigail's book, "The Conversation in Heaven - Living Life's Ups and Downs Through Heaven's Lens"

Give the Gift of a Hope Session!

Send a gift card to someone you love for a Hope Session! Gift cards are available in multiples of $105 to cover one or more sessions. Click on the Donate button below to be taken to the payment site.